About Me

"I’ve always loved learning about computers and programming since I was a young boy and have wanted to follow it as a career since I was 13."


Practices In:

Python, C(#), HTML+CSS+JS, PHP, SQL, Java

Learn About My Programs:

TruesDale, Guess That Song, M4P To MP3

Currently Working On:


While I was in school, I had occasional contract work with the company Tait Communications, through family connections, where I would handle setting up computers and taking apart decommissioned servers. I also was responsible for uploading and installing operating systems onto hand-held radios and creating other python scripts to automate employees' work. Through my school, I also had experience working on a student tech crew of 8 students, which ran assemblies and other school events. I worked in this position for 3 years and would have been in control of over 60 school events during that time.
At school I also received the dux of IPT award in my graduating year (2019). After my work at UQ I want to be able to graduate into a company where I can work with software and create or manage software that makes people’s lives easier or more fun. I have created websites for friends and run this webpage. On this webpage I also host some programs I have created and one that I have helped my friend with but is still in development. Aside from the two games on my webpage I have created other software for personal use and public use.
At school I created a webpage email system for private messaging during classes and have experimented with creating a python based crypto mining virus which could spread between the computers and, at random, it could choose to only use the host computer as a asymptomatic carrier making it harder to identify and wipe out from the network, although it was never fully unleashed for moral reasons despite being tested and working in a closed network.
In python I have also created programs to analyse images and calculate the most common colour and a text encryption algorithm that uses multiple steps and dynamic cypher keys embedded in the output.
My C# programs consist of a voice controlled personal assistant that can control certain applications on my computer and server and a GUI application that can remove the DRM protection from Apple Music songs by scanning my library for new songs, interfacing with iTunes to play them, recording the output, and finally copying over the songs information from the original before testing its integrity to test for success.
Eventually I would like to move into a career with cyber security. At school I would often find security issues on the school’s network that allowed remote control of student devices and access to student report cards among other security issues. With my passion for computers and knowledge with webpage creation, network management, and server set ups I was able to easily identify vulnerable set ups, webpages and network permissions. I would then create walk-through guides for the school IT office along with tips and suggestions to close the vulnerability.